Agenda item

Queen's Speech/Legislative update paper


Mark Norris, Principal Policy Advisor, introduced the paper which sets out the details of the five bills in the Queen’s Speech of interest to the Board.


The Counter-Extremism and Safeguarding Bill is deferred from the last parliamentary session and the government is expected to consult on introducing powers to intervene where councils fail to tackle extremism.


Fire Services Management Committee member, Cllr Nick Chard, highlighted the provision within the Policing and Crime Bill to allow a Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) to be represented on a Fire & Rescue Authority (outside of London) with voting rights, where the FRA agrees. Cllr Chard was concerned in some areas this could tip the balance of power and also had implications for voting on precepts.


Members raised the Criminal Finances Bill in relation to the Proceeds of Crime Act, in particular changing the proportion of the money recouped that is returned to the local area. Officers would update members on the outcome of the Home Office consultation on the allocation of proceeds of crime funding.


Cllr Beavis proposed that there could be work around aspiration, wellbeing and life skills if the Prison and Courts Reform Bill had an impact on local authorities.




The Board noted the bills in the Queen’s Speech of interest.




Officers to incorporate members’ comments into the work going forward.


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