Agenda item

Productivity Programme


Alan Finch, Principal Adviser, introduced the item and summarised some key points from the report which provided an update on key elements of the programme since the last meeting. Cllr Shirley Pannell, the portfolio holder for Productivity, (and for whom this was the last meeting) thanked the board and officers for its work on productivity, and emphasised both the good work done in this area by councils, and the importance of continued efforts in the current austerity climate.


Board members responded with the following comments:


·         While there is consensus on the benefits of health and social care integration, in-year adjustments to the Better Care Fund do not help;


·         The importance of active engagement by the Ministry of Defence in the One Public Estate programme. Mayor Dave Hodgson responded to this comment, informing the board that the Ministry of Defence has begun to engage more positively.


The Chairman introduced Steven Phillips of the Newton Europe Group, who presented research, commissioned through the productivity programme, into “Exploring the efficiency opportunities through Health and Social Care integration”. Some key elements of the research included:


·         The research shows that huge savings can be achieved through health and social care integration, and there is scope to widen the research to uncover further potential savings.


·         The key messages from the research are:


1.    By focussing on the correct care pathway for citizens, significant patient / service user and financial benefit can be realised.


2.    Opportunities are driven by a variation in front-line decision making.


3.    Avoidance of admissions to acute hospitals is key in saving resources – and the role of preventative services is critical to reducing admissions.


4.    Discharge planning, whilst maximising independent outcomes is key in saving resources.


5.    Redeploying community nursing resource is a priority to realise the whole system opportunity.


·         The research also posited a change model based on the themes pulled out of the best practice seen in the research.


Board members made the following comments on the presentation:


·         Board members commended Newton Europe on their research and highlighted the size and complexity of the issue, and that shifting mind-sets and perspectives of stakeholders and health professionals is key to effecting change and utilizing resources across local systems more efficiently.


·         Board members highlighted the particular challenges experienced in rural areas i.e. getting the correct care to people in sparsely populated areas.


·         Some areas have successfully implemented a ‘single front door’ triage system which appears to be effective at reducing demand on acute hospitals. Steven Phillips responded by stating that the research identified that this type of system can also create excess demand, but that some variants of the model show promise and warrant further research.


Two national events were to be held in the Autumn to disseminate the findings of the research, which would also be promoted at the annual National Children and Adult Services (NCAS) Conference in November.




The Board noted the Productivity report and the research by Newton Europe.


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