Agenda item

Culture, Tourism and Sport Work Programme 2016/2017


Rebecca Cox, Principal Policy Adviser, introduced the paper, advising the board that key work priorities for 2016/2017 would be:


1.    The Libraries Taskforce (with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport).

2.    The LGA Tourism and Sport Improvement Programme.

3.    The Government’s Culture White Paper.

4.    Sport England/’s new strategy.

5.    Work with Visit England and Visit Britain (particularly following the integration of Visit England with Visit Britain).

6.    Work on devolution.

7.    The consequences of Brexit and the effect this would have on issues within the Board’s remit.


The board was advised that the LGA Leadership Board would be looking at the consequences of Brexit when it met on the 14th September. Members were asked if there were any points they would like to feed into this discussion.


The Chair introduced the new Deputy-Chairman of the board, Cllr Paul Bettison OBE, who had attended the maiden speech of the new Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport in Liverpool on Tuesday 9th August.


Cllr Bettison feedback the following points to the board:


1.    It was significant a city of culture had been chosen for the speech’s location.

2.    Then Minister had emphasised the need to balance cultural funding in England as many places could be regenerated by culture.

3.    Kingston-upon-Hull would be next year’s city of culture.


The Chair thanked Cllr Bettison for attending the speech.


In the discussion which followed, members made the following points:


·         The board had previously written to Visit England and Visit Britain to express concern about the merge and the need to maintain a distinct voice for tourism in England. Members asked what response had been received.


·         Members asked what could be done to ensure Visit England had its own programme and profile. The Chair informed members that he had a meeting with Rob Wilson MP, the Minister for Civil Society, on the 12th September and would ensure that he raised this point with him.


·         It was suggested that the effect of Brexit on culture and the arts was considered by a sub-committee of the board to ensure that it was clear what the implications of the withdrawal of grant money and funding would be. Members emphasised it would also be important to look at the opportunities Brexit would present and the wider funding issues for culture, tourism and sport.The Chair suggested that lead members discuss this issue at the next lead member meeting and feedback to the board in October. 


·         It was suggested that the LGA take soundings from councils and ask them what they thought the impact of leaving the EU would be. Members suggested that individual political groups should discuss this issue and feedback at the October board meeting.


·         Members were advised that a Brexit bulletin would be issued shortly and that this would be circulated to the board.





1.    The board agreed the draft work programme.




1.    Officers to take forward actions in line with members’ steer.

2.    Officers to circulate the Brexit bulletin.

3.    Lead members to discuss the impact ofBrexit at the next lead member meeting.


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