Agenda item

Membership, Terms of Reference and Appointments to Outside Bodies


Cllr Martin Tett introduced the report. He outlined the membership, terms of reference and asked for volunteers to appoint to the board's outside bodies.




The board discussed several issues including;


·         Amending paragraph 4 of the terms of reference to read 'Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport Board' rather than 'Economy and Environment Board'.

·         Prioritisation of sustainability.

·         Amending the wording to assert equal importance to all work areas within the board.




The board formally;


1.     Noted the membership and terms of reference subject to the amendments described above.


2.    Agreed to allow their respective political groups to appoint members to outside bodies. The following members expressed interest in certain appointments during the meeting;


2.1.  Planning Advisory Service Board - Cllr John Clempner (Labour)

2.2.  Canals and River Trust - Cllr Simon Greaves (Labour)

2.3.  National Fly-tipping Prevention Group - Cllr Catherine Rankin (Conservative)




Joseph Ling (Member Services Officer) to liaise with the political group offices and inform outside bodies of the change or continuation of LGA representatives.

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