Agenda item

Local Government Finance update


The Chair invited Sarah Pickup, Deputy Chief Executive, to update the Board on the LGA’s work on local government finance policy.


The LGA continues to work on business rates retention and alongside the summer consultation on business rates reforms the LGA has also responded to the call for evidence on its Fair Funding Review.


There was a discussion during which members made a number of comments:


·         Councils should be able to pool with whoever they want.

·         Councils shouldn’t be forced to pay 100 per cent of back dated appeals.

·         There should be flexibility and a safety net within the system.

·         There should be some mechanism to deal with the impact of the loss of a major businesses or businesses.


On the autumn statement the Board wanted the LGA response to be strong on the need for councils to build houses. They also felt there should be full cost recovery for planning and licensing fees.


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