Agenda item

Gambling Review


Ellie Greenwood, Senior Adviser, introduced the item. She advised members that on Monday 24 October, the Government had announced a review of gaming machine stakes, and this report outlined the key themes the LGA would cover in its submission. The LGA would reiterate support for a reduction in the stakes, highlight concerns members had about advertising and would look widely at the impact on communities. Evidence would need to be submitted by the 4th December. She asked for members’ views on this.


The Chair asked for long points to be emailed to officers.


The following points were made:


·         This was an opportunity to raise awareness of the issues with all councils, as gambling had an impact on other problems such as domestic violence and alcohol addiction.


·         The impact of gambling on community safety and the problems with violence in betting shops were discussed and it was requested that the need to protect shop staff from violence should be captured in the report.


·         Members asked whether councils should submit responses to the LGA or to the government, and were advised that they could do either.


·         Members requested that Leicester’s scrutiny report was circulated to the board.


·         It was agreed that the LGA would specifically  a £2 maximum stake rather than simply calling for stakes to be brought into line with other high street stakes.


·         The risks of internet gambling were touched upon.





1.    Members noted the report and the recommendation.




1.    Officers to circulate Leicester’s scrutiny report.


2.    Officers to capture problems with violence against staff in betting shops in LGA work.


Supporting documents: