Agenda item

People and Places Work Programme 2016/2017


Rebecca Cox, Principal Policy Adviser, introduced the item. She asked members to note the proposed 2016/2017 work programme and suggest any additions.


In the discussion which followed, members made the following points:


·         Housing and the NHS (health) could be included as topics. A discussion followed on which LGA boards were looking at these issues and if there was a mechanism for feeding back on these.


·         There were differences between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas and the board should consider looking at different approaches for these areas.


·         Health, education and accountability in Clinical Commissioning Groups was briefly discussed.


It was agreed that officers would consider how best to keep members informed on the work programmes of other LGA boards and wider issues that affected rural areas.




1.    Members agreed the work programme.




1.    Officers to discuss with the Chairman of the Board to determine the best approach to keeping members apprised of the work being undertaken by other LGA boards.



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