Agenda item

Minutes of the Last Meeting


Regarding the minutes from the last meeting, the following points were made:


·         Members requested that a briefing was produced on the work of other policy boards, and that this was considered as an item at the next board meeting.


·         Officers advised that the Chief Executive of Ofcom would be attending the January board meeting.


·         Officers advised that the Business Rates Retention Task and Finish Group had considered suggestions made regarding an independent commission for the fair funding review at the last board meeting but instead expressed a preference for some form of independent scrutiny of the results of the Government’s work rather than a full commission. The Leadership Board were now looking at the issue in more depth and officers would report back at the January board meeting.


·         It was agreed that the paper commissioned on the Fair Funding Review by the task and finish group would be circulated to the board in December.


·         Points made on the support offer currently received by Looked After Children at the last board meeting were raised. Officers advised these would be addressed in the Skills and Employment item.






1.    Members agreed the minutes as an accurate summary of the discussion.




1.    Officers to produce a paper on the work priorities of all policy boards for the next meeting.


2.    The paper on Fair Funding Review commissioned by the Business Rates Task and Finish Group to be circulated to the board in December and officers to feedback at the January meeting.

Supporting documents: