Agenda item

Housing, Planning and Homelessness Update


Eamon Lally introduced the item and solicited the board's opinion on the Autumn Statement and Housing White Paper, implementation of the Housing and Planning Act as well as the Homelessness Reduction Bill.




Housing White Paper and Autumn Statement


The board noted


·         The impact of rent reductions on investment decisions and the need for longer term certainty.

·         The need to make the  argument for a range of tenures.

·         The importance of health and social care when considering housing developments, especially integrated funding.

·         The desire for authorities to run their own development corporations.


Housing and Planning Act implementation


The board agreed with the LGA's current approach concerning the implementation of the Housing and Planning Act.


Homelessness Reduction Bill


The board expressed the importance of integrating services to promote the prevention agenda. 




The board;


1.    Directed officers on the content of future engagement with the Government on housing policy.


2.    Directed priorities for the LGA when working on the Homelessness Reduction Bill.




Officers to progress work on the above issues in line with direction from the members.


Supporting documents: