Agenda item

Workforce Update


Jon Sutcliffe (Senior Adviser, Workforce Policy and Strategy) introduced the report which set out key workforce policy developments over the last period. Members noted that the review of the National Joint Council (NJC) pay spine was underway and a Joint Working Group with the unions had been established.  


Following the discussion on sleeping-in payments at the previous meeting it had been agreed by Lead Members of the Board to keep a watching brief over the issue and await further developments. The issue had also been considered by the Public Accounts Committee and a further report on the issue would be considered by the Board at a future meeting.


There was concern that some councils had expanded the National Living Wage to include contractors and this could lead to increased costs to councils. There was a productivity link to the Living Wage, and the LGA had commissioned a report from incomes and data research to look at how councils and other organisations linked productivity to what they were paying.



The Resources Board noted the updates included in the report.