Agenda item

EU Funding Working Group Update


Cllr Clarence Barrett introduced the report and highlighted that Members had previously agreed that the LGA should be more active on the key asks on Brexit. The LGA had produced an updated public briefing on EU policy which covered the five headline priorities: autonomy of local government; developing a new legal base for local government; securing investment that is currently sourced from the EU; community cohesion; and addressing place-based impacts.


The LGA would continue to brief the front bench teams in Parliament, and it was encouraging that LGA lines were forming the basis of the debate in the sector.


Members also noted that priority areas on EU funding were being taken forward by the Resources Board EU Funding Working Group. These priority areas were: Resources Board contribution to developing a new legal base for local government; securing the current quantum of funding to 2020; and post-EU exit domestic regional aid. Cllr Roger Philips had attended the December meeting of the European Structural Investment Fund Growth Programme Board for England. Since the EU referendum the LGA had maintained pressure on the Government to commit to measures to ensure that maximum number of EU funding bids were agreed and signed by the time the UK exited the EU.



The Resources Board noted the updates in each priority work stream of the EU Funding Working Group.