Agenda item

Brexit (oral update)


The Chair invited Ian Hughes, Head of Policy, to give the update on the current Brexit situation.  Ian gave a brief overview, with the main focus and policy priority around gaining a seat in the Brexit negotiations to represent local authorities.  Ian also gave an update on the LGA’s Migration Advisory Committee, as well as communications from LGA on the possible implications Brexit will cause for local government.


The Chair opened the discussions up to Members:


·         Members discussed the Autumn Budget (22 November), and the decision taken by the Chancellor, not to announce any detailed substituted for local government EU structural funding. 

·         Members discussed transitional periods pertaining to Brexit, after the UK leaves the EU.

·         Members expressed concerns over what impact a ‘no deal’ Brexit would look like on local government, and possible costs. 

·         Members also discussed the future of EU law, and the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill, including the current stages of the Bill. 

·         Discussions were had over in relation to proposed EU law that could be delegated to local authorities’ post-Brexit, and the need for consultation with local authorities. 

·         Further discussions were held over creating spaces with Parliamentarians regarding these issues.

·         Members agreed that the EU is an extremely large political body, with numerous offices and laws.  These approaches and any future laws that will be created (from existing EU law) may have to be streamlined. 




·         Members noted the update.




·         Officers to proceed with work in line with Members’ steer.