Agenda item

Industrial Strategy


Kamal Panchal, Senior Adviser, introduced this report which updated members on the publication of the Industrial Strategy White Paper and the LGA’s headline response from the LGA briefing for member councils.


Two particular areas of development from the Industrial Strategy were explained:


1.    The creation of a new £1.7 billion Transformational Cities Fund, which is for projects that improve connectivity, reduce congestion and utilise new mobility services and technology. Half of this funding will be allocated through a competition for transport projects in cities, with the remainder allocated to the six combined authorities with elected metro mayors.


2.    There will be a review of Local Enterprise Partnerships, covering roles and responsibilities and will bring forward reforms to leadership, governance, accountability, financial reporting and geographic boundaries.




In the discussion which followed, these points were made:


·         Members expressed their concern of half of the funding being allocated to the six combined authorities with elected metro mayors, an unrepresentative allocation of the money.


·         Members noted the variability of quality of LEPs with some being very responsible and accountable and others needing greater guidance and support.




The Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport Board noted the publication of the Industrial Strategy White Paper, the LGA’s response and the key developments highlighted for the Board.

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