Register of interests

Cllr Diana Moore

I, Cllr Diana Moore, give notice that I have the following interests. I have put "none" where I have no such interests under any heading:

1. LGA appointments. Please specify which structure(s) you have been appointed to, and the position you hold - eg chair, vice chair, member
Structure Position
Local Infrastructure and Net Zero Board Member
2. LGA appoinments to outside bodies. Please specify which bodies you have been appointed to - eg JNCs
3. Employment and business:
I am employed as a: Name and address of employer:
4. Employment and business
I am self employed as a: my place(s) of business is:
Business Advisor (contracts: Wessex Reinvestment Society, Devon and Exeter Institution, Blandford Forum Parish Church, Architectural Heritage Fund, Unleashed Theatre Company, Exeter Historic Buildings Trust, Jamaica Street Studios Ltd, Co-operatives UK, Resonance Ltd/Mustard Seed Property Ltd.) 70 Church Road, Alphington, Exeter EX2 8TA
5. Employment and business
I am in (business) partnership as a: the firm(s) trading name and place(s) of business:
6. Employment and business
I am a Director of the following company/companies:
7. Sponsorship - I have received payment(s) in respect of my election expenses, or any other expenses incurred by me in carrying out my duties as a councillor and/or as a member of the LGA from:
Green Party for England and Wales and Exeter Green Party
8. Contracts with the Local Government Association - I set out below details of any contract for goods, services or works made between the LGA and myself, or any firm in which I am a partner, or any company of which I am a remunerated director.
9. Membership of outside bodies - I am a member of, or occupy a position of general control or management in, the following bodies which exercise functions of a public nature:
10. Membership of outside bodies - I am a member of, or hold a position of general control or management in, the following organisations directed to charitable purposes:
1. Member, Malawi Association for Christian Support (charity no 125616)
2. Member, Methodist Church in Great Britain (charity no 113 2208).
3. Member, the Woodland Trust (charity no 294344)
4. Member, the Soil Association Ltd (charity no 206862)
5. Member, Exeter Local Food Limited (society no 30853R)
6. Member, Shared Interest Society Ltd (society no 27093R)
7. Member, The Midcounties Co-operative Limited (society 19025R)
8. Member, Music Venue Properties Ltd. (Society no. 8635)
11. Membership of outside bodies - I am a member of, or hold a position of general control or management in, the following organisations whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union):
Member, Association of Green Councillors.
Member, Green Party of England and Wales and Exeter Green Party.
12. Membership of, or beneficiary of any payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union:
13. Gifts and Hospitality - Please specify the details of any gifts or hospitality to the value of £50 or over received in connection with duties and responsibilities you have carried out for the LGA.
Date /Offering person or organisation Nature of gift or hospitality / Estimated value