Party: Labour
Political grouping: Labour
Birmingham City Council Cabinet Member for Housing & Homelessness, Councillor Sharon Thompson, has been a Councillor since 2014. She served as Victims Champion for the city from 2014-2015, before becoming the local authority’s first Ambassador for addressing Homelessness and Roughsleeping. In 2016 she became the Cabinet Advisor for Homelessness from 2017-2018 and relinquished the position in May 2018 when she was appointed to Cabinet.
In the Summer of 2021, Sharon became the portfolio lead for Vulnerable Children and Families where she had political responsibility for Homelessness, Special Educational Needs & Disability, Children’s Services, Corporate Parenting, and oversight of the Birmingham Children’s Trust.
Keen to promote and improve Birmingham for its citizens, Sharon is a strong advocate for collaborative partnerships, with an authentic and inclusive approach to leadership. She has been a passionate advocate for eradicating homelessness and spearheaded Birmingham’s Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2017+ which is partnership focused in its outcomes.
In her remit as a Councillor, Sharon has also served on St Basils board of directors, and sat on the Commonwealth Games 2022 Members Advisory Group.
She is currently the local authority representative on West Midlands Combined Authority Housing and Land Delivery Board, WMCA Public Service Reform Board, ARCH (Association of Retained Council Housing) and the Euro Cities Social Mobility Forum. Sharon currently chairs the WMCA Homelessness Members Advisory Group, Birmingham Social Housing Partnership and also sits on the LGA Labour Women’s Taskforce.