Agenda and minutes

Executive Advisory Board - Thursday, 19th October, 2023 2.15 pm

Venue: Westminster Room, 8th Floor, 18 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HZ. View directions

Contact: Amy Haldane  07867 514938 Email: /

No. Item


Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest


The Vice-Chairman, Cllr Kevin Bentley welcomed members to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Shaun Davies, Joe Harris, Heather Kidd, Abi Brown, Morris Bright and Sam Chapman-Allen. No declarations of interest were made.


Lobbying Document pdf icon PDF 81 KB


Sarah Pickup, Acting Chief Executive, introduced the report which set out key areas of work at the LGA. Key issues included the upcoming Autumn Statement and Asylum and Resettlement. Since the circulation of the agenda, the LGA had done further work on RAAC in particular.


Members made the following comments:


-       Members expressed concern that the LGA lacked visibility to some Ministers

-       Following queries on engagement at party conference, it was noted that the LGA was well represented at the Green and Plaid Cymru party conferences. Proactive and sustained relationship building was critical and would continue following conference season

-       In relation to retrofit of housing, the associated skills shortage was raised

-       Members discussed the Office for Local Government (Oflog) and the pros and cons of more in-depth and interrogative Corporate Peer Challenges being delivered by the LGA.

-       There was a balance between being a “critical friend” whilst acknowledging that a level of rigour and direction from the Department was to be expected given government funding is provided to support CPC delivery.

-       Some councils would experience financial challenge regardless of how effective their CPC is.

-       It was suggested that Oflog representatives be invited to shadow a CPC

-       Members discussed approaches to lobbying for funding, including as an offer to reduce spending elsewhere. For example, investment in sport as part of social prescribing to prevent further spending in health and wellbeing and help support local economic growth.


Members heard the following in response:


-       Our work has recognised the green skills gap and associated opportunities to create green jobs

-       There were ongoing discussions with Oflog to work collaboratively and prevent duplication of work

-       Prevention would be a large theme in the Local Government White Paper

-       CPCs were being reviewed, and it was important they were sufficiently challenging so councils got the best feedback out of it

-       Councils with financial challenges that may need to approach the government for support might benefit from having had a recent rigorous CPC demonstrating the actions it has been taking to address these challenges




The Executive Advisory Board noted the report.


Update on Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) pdf icon PDF 108 KB


In confidential session, Mark Norris, Principal Policy Adviser, updated the Board on the LGA’s activity concerning Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) since the previous meeting.



The executive Advisory agreed to the recommendations set out in Paragraph 25 of the report.


Autumn Statement submission and campaign


Nicky Old, Director of Communications, updated members on the planned media campaign surrounding the LGA’s submission to the Government’s Autumn Statement which was yet to be published.


Current issues and asks in Asylum and Resettlement


Sally Burlington, Director of Policy (People), updated members on a meeting due to be held between the LGA Asylum Task Group and the Minister for Immigration.


Members raised concerns around community safety and cohesion as well as pressures on local housing availability and services.



The Executive Advisory Board agreed to write to the Minister for Immigration ahead of the meeting.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Executive Advisory Board meeting held on Thursday 7 September 2023 were agreed as an accurate record.