Agenda item



Charles Loft, Senior Adviser, introduced the item. The EEHT Board had commissioned a report to help inform the LGA’s position on homelessness and would consider how to use the findings of the report going forward. He highlighted key issues such as the problem with a high proportion of ex-offenders ending up homeless after release. The report for the SSC Board set out the key findings and recommendations that crossed over with its remit. Members were asked to comment on these.


The following points were made:


·         The opportunity to work together in existing partnerships should be expanded upon and the role of Police and Crime Commissioners considered. It was suggested that a guide was produced on partnership working.


·         Drug-related problems were discussed and the importance of early intervention for those coming out of treatment for drug and alcohol addictions.


·         The quality of life in housing for ex-offenders was discussed, including the sense of isolation they can feel, the need for support in buying replacement essentials such as  white goods and cookers. Members asked what the suicide rates were.


·         Members felt this was another report where a sense of the total numbers involved would be helpful in appreciating the full picture.


·         It was highlighted that sharing of information was important, especially when opening new hostels. It was also noted that it was difficult to set up hostels in many areas, as there was often opposition from the local population. Planning applications for housing of this type was met negatively by the public.


·         The different companies that had been awarded contracts to operate community rehabilitation companies could produce different results given the commercial emphasis of some. It would be helpful to know if there were different outcomes and results between them.


·         There were problems facing ex-service personnel who sometimes became homeless. Members asked whether the LGA was backing the campaign to gather better  statistics on the numbers of homeless ex-service personnel. Officers advised that CWB were making calls for better data gathering on this.


·         It was highlighted it was politically difficult for politicians to prioritise ex-offenders for housing over others in need.





1.    The board noted the report and the recommendations in line with the steer above.




1.    Officers to look into producing a guide on existing partnership working and the role of PCCs on this issue.

2.    Officers to feedback to the CWB the Board’s  support for calls for better data gathering on the numbers of homeless ex-servicemen.


3.    Officers to feedback the discussion to the EEHT board to inform the LGA’s cross-cutting work on homelessness.


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