Party: Independent
Political grouping: Independent
Sarah was elected as an Independent Councillor in 2015 . Managing the election campaign for theIndependent Group that year saw numbers rise and they became the largest opposition group onthe Council working with the Green Party. She became Group leader in 2016 and was involved intransforming how Malvern Hills District Council deals with Biodiversity and Ecology . Her work wastaken to the Chartered Institute of Ecology conference and led to a step change in the way theSouth Worcestershire Councils write planning conditions and how they prioritise biodiversity .
She is experienced at Overview and Scrutiny and has delivered reports on improving Communityspace and on Designing for communities .
In 2019 Sarah grew the Independent and Green group so they became the largest group on theCouncil . In a NOC situation she became Council leader . She holds the portfolio for resources andfinance . Since becoming leader the council has delivered the first Carbon plan in the County . Her district saw the worst flooding in decades at the start of 2020 followed by the Covid crisis and herleadership has driven the council through both emergencies . Sarah has an ability to enabletransformation but also to understand how to take Cllrs with her . She focuses on coaching andsupporting new Councillors and in constantly questioning why things are done the way they are. Aconstant driver is to challenge the status quo . Malvern Hills District Council shares a Ceo and Senior management teamand works closely with the other 5 districts and County Council demonstrating Sarah’s ability toform great working partnerships.
She stepped down as leader in 2022 and is now able to focus her time on her ward work and on her work Nationally with the LGA. She has undertaken corporate peer challenges , peer mentoring and leadership academy work . She is studying for a degree in Counselling therapy and is now working as a Social prescriber for the NHS .This has given her an in-depth understanding of how mental health,domestic violence, poverty and homelessness impact lives and she is passionate about delivering strategic level change at her own and other Councils .
Sarah was nominated as a local hero for her work during the Covid crisis .
Her experiences in both opposition and administration give her a balanced view of how a Councilshould work . Her ability to scrutinise issues and to deliver solutions is proven . But one of her realskills is talking to and understanding people and how to better enable them to engage . These skillswill enable her to work with any Council or Councillor and deliver positive challenges to take things